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2020-2021-1期末考试相关通知 2020-2021-1 Final Exam Related Notice

信息来源: 发布日期:2020-12-15




老生考试时间为第 1718周,可16周随堂考;新生考试时间为1819周,可18周随堂考。具体课程的考试时间,任课老师会与你们商量。国际学院教学办会将考核详细安排在学院网站、微信公众号等公布。




1. 课程论文考核。任课老师会将课程论文要求提前发布,并明确论文提交截止时间。

2. 开卷考试。考核时间为2小时,考虑到网络因素,交卷截止时间会适当放宽。交卷截止期后,任课教师会将交卷学生名单在班级群及时发布确认。

3. 闭卷考试。在考试正式开始后,任课教师会将试题发布到班级群。考试时间结束,线上完成交卷。任课老师会将收到的试卷名单在班级群及时发布确认。


1. 请务必在答卷上写好自己的学号、姓名;

2. 务必注意,不得传递答案,互相抄袭,如发现答卷内容高度雷同,经学校有关部门确认为雷同卷,所有试卷涉及学生将会被按《国际学生违纪处分管理规定》给予严肃处理,学年奖学金随之取消;

3. 旷课5次以上者,将会被取消考试资格。被取消考试资格的学生,任课教师会通知到学生本人,如学生有异议,可联系国际学院教学办协助沟通确认。


Dear Students,

The final exam is around the corner, so here's what you need to know:

I. Time for assessment

Non-freshman students test time is on the 16th, 17th, 18th week; freshmen test time on 18thand 19th week. As to the examination time of the specific course, the teacher will inform you. The Teaching Office of the International School will publish the assessment details on the school's website, WeChat public account, etc. .

II. How to assess

(1) Paper with requirements; (2) Open-book examination; (3) Closed-book examination.

III. Requirements for assessment

1. Write a paper concerning certain thesis. The teacher will give the requirements in advance, and make sure the paper submission deadline is clear.

2. Open-book examination. The time for exam is 2 hours, taking the network factors into account, the deadline could be appropriately extended. After the deadline, the teacher will hand in students’ name list that has submitted the exam in the class group timely for confirmation.

3. Closed-book examination. After the exam has officially started, the instructor will post the questions to the class group. When the examination time is over, complete the examination paper online. After the deadline, the teacher will hand in students’ name list that has submitted the exam in the class group timely for confirmation.

. Points to note

1. Please be sure to write your name and student number on the answer sheet;

2. It is important to note that answers must not be passed around or copied from one another. If the content of the answers is found to be highly similar or confirmed to be identical by the relevant department of the school, all students involved will be dealt with seriously in accordance with the Regulations and scholarships of the academic year will be subsequently canceled;

3. Any student who has missed more than five classes will be disqualified. If a student has been disqualified from the examination, the teacher will inform the student. If the student has any objection, he or she can contact the Teaching Office of the International School.

4. (1) Closed-book examination. Please turn on the camera. Do not seek the network and other people's help. Do not find someone to take the test. Once the handwriting is seriously inconsistent, it will be taken seriously. (2)Open-book Examination. It's a two-hour exam, and no cameras required. (3) Paper with requirements. Please submit your paper within the time required by the teacher. Late papers will be considered as not submitted. (4) Comply with the Teacher's examination requirements, follow the teachers examination arrangements, attend the examination and submit the examination papers on time. If you fail to submit your answer sheet within the time required, your grade in the course will be regarded as zero.







